What a cute musical! The little girl that played the lead had a slow start, but it was an enjoyable evening.
We stayed at the Crowne Plaza Rosemont which is literally next door to the theatre. Here is where it gets a little tricky.
Several months ago I stayed there with the SgtMaj when we saw Robin Williams at the same theatre (Hysterical show BTW). Nice room, all grey blue and brown. They had a cute little "sleep bag" in the room with an eye mask, pillow spray, and ear plugs in a little mesh bag. While this isn't why I chose the hotel again, I thought Lor would get a kick out of it.
The SgtMaj and I went to Rick's Bar and later ate in their restaurant. Good food, cute bar. I thought Lor would enjoy them as well. (We both have an appreciation for classy little bars....wow, what a legacy).
Soooo....we get there and we're stuck on the 2nd floor (Lor smokes and that is the smoking floor). She offered to go outside to smoke as there was no balcony, but whenever she does this I am a basket case worrying about her by herself.
I know I'm a worrying nutjob.
Anyway, since the room had two beds it was a little cramped, but still nice. I took pics but they didn't turn out right.
Maybe I should take a class?
But where's the little bag of sleeping goodies? They didn't have it in the room. When I asked the idiot girl at the desk, she said they were only for special rates and rooms. ?????? We had a regular room last time.
Now good customer service would warrant the gifting of a little bag since I inquired, but alas, no luck.
THEN, we go down for a glass of wine and dinner, and the bloody thing is closed!
The girl at the desk said they were rehabbing. Now why wasn't that on the website? Mhhhmmmm? I have booked hotels in the past that stated rehabs when you booked. There was no mention of this at all. So we ate in the little cafe. The food was good, but it missed the ambiance of the restaurant.
So now I'm rethinking returning there in March when we see Ron White. Oh, and if you've never heard Ron White (He's actually part of the Redneck Comedy Tour). I know, I know, I don't care for Jeff Foxworthy, but Ron is really funny.
In the scheme of things I know this isn't important. We were safe and warm and fed. We enjoyed each other's company and watched a cute musical.
I'll stop bitching now.
No need to apologize. Your expectations had been set by a previous visit and they blew it! I would write a letter/email with your constructive criticism. Really, it might even get you a discounted rate at your next stay and cool goodies:)