1st: If anyone actually read my rantings of last night, I apologize. There will be no more mention of my Big Fat New Years Crappy Birthday.....until next year, I'm sure.
Random birthday thoughts:
I turned 48 today.
While for most this is only significant in the sense that I am rapidly approaching the half century mark, for me it had deeper meaning.
Our dad died at 47.

I am a lot like him. I favor him physically and in temperment.
I have a strong work ethic and do not suffer fools gladly.
But I also inherited his high blood pressure and stocky Italian build. His impatience and stress. His sarcastic black humor.....
So all year I was in fear that I would follow in his footsteps and die.
Upbeat aren't I?
I am not, however, as sociable as him. Baby Brother Joe got that gene.
Where am I going with this???
I will make an effort to control my blood pressure. I will try my very best this year to meditate on a daily basis and exercise.
I will also lose at least 20 pounds. Man, where did that one come from? I hate to have to go back to Weight Watchers again!
But I will.
I want to be there when Lori has babies. I want to spoil them and cheer them on.
I want to be the cool grandmother that takes them to Disney World and the Field Museum.
The cool grandma that claps at awesome Christmas light displays.
Yeah, that one.
So for all of you: Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions, whatever they may be.
Mine last year was to live to see another year. Check.
Peace and love from The Snarky Table
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