So a post over at (sorry, my frickin' link thing isn't working right) this morning had me thinking about all of my crap.
Now I'm not talking about the SgtMaj's crap, that would take the writing of volumes. Oh and now there's even more since he started his PhD. Mind you all of his books and notes taunt me on a daily basis: "Why aren't you doing something constructive with your time, hhhmmmm?"
Instead I read blogs and play Farmville on Facebook. (I know, no socially redeeming value there, but addicting)
Again I ramble.
I started going through some of the stuff in the walk in closet that I have been planning to rehab for over a month. I think I even wrote something about it. I discovered no less than 4 different sizes of coats, jackets, sweaters.
Good thing my hands don't gain weight or I'd have a shitload of gloves as well.
This made me look at my personal the boxes and boxes of clothes in different sizes.
Which made me think about weight loss...and exercising. Both of which hasn't been happening here at The Snarky Table.
For you see, as stated previously, I like to read others' blogs and play Farmville. Not harvest the crops physically, but with a click of the mouse.
So, I have an ever growing rear end and carpel tunnel in the right wrist.
So once I'm done harvesting my Super Pumpkins this morning (hey, I can't kick the habit all at once), I am going to bag up all of the old clothes for charity. Because., honestly here, I lose 20 pounds? Mama is buying some new jeans.
Have a good one people.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Mamma Mia

What a cute musical! The little girl that played the lead had a slow start, but it was an enjoyable evening.
We stayed at the Crowne Plaza Rosemont which is literally next door to the theatre. Here is where it gets a little tricky.
Several months ago I stayed there with the SgtMaj when we saw Robin Williams at the same theatre (Hysterical show BTW). Nice room, all grey blue and brown. They had a cute little "sleep bag" in the room with an eye mask, pillow spray, and ear plugs in a little mesh bag. While this isn't why I chose the hotel again, I thought Lor would get a kick out of it.
The SgtMaj and I went to Rick's Bar and later ate in their restaurant. Good food, cute bar. I thought Lor would enjoy them as well. (We both have an appreciation for classy little, what a legacy).
Soooo....we get there and we're stuck on the 2nd floor (Lor smokes and that is the smoking floor). She offered to go outside to smoke as there was no balcony, but whenever she does this I am a basket case worrying about her by herself.
I know I'm a worrying nutjob.
Anyway, since the room had two beds it was a little cramped, but still nice. I took pics but they didn't turn out right.
Maybe I should take a class?
But where's the little bag of sleeping goodies? They didn't have it in the room. When I asked the idiot girl at the desk, she said they were only for special rates and rooms. ?????? We had a regular room last time.
Now good customer service would warrant the gifting of a little bag since I inquired, but alas, no luck.
THEN, we go down for a glass of wine and dinner, and the bloody thing is closed!
The girl at the desk said they were rehabbing. Now why wasn't that on the website? Mhhhmmmm? I have booked hotels in the past that stated rehabs when you booked. There was no mention of this at all. So we ate in the little cafe. The food was good, but it missed the ambiance of the restaurant.
So now I'm rethinking returning there in March when we see Ron White. Oh, and if you've never heard Ron White (He's actually part of the Redneck Comedy Tour). I know, I know, I don't care for Jeff Foxworthy, but Ron is really funny.
In the scheme of things I know this isn't important. We were safe and warm and fed. We enjoyed each other's company and watched a cute musical.
I'll stop bitching now.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
On Death and Family

**Warning: Rambling Post**
The photo is the only close up that I could find. It is from the kids' wedding.
My son in law's step-grandfather died yesterday. My immediate reaction was, how sad. I know he was 89, ill and a bit of a bear, but it still warrants a moment.
He was a Russian Jew that survived a concentration camp in Poland. (Sorry, I don't know which one). He lost many family members and wouldn't talk about it.
He was an officer in the Russian Army (General?). He didn't talk much about that either.
Technically, we never talked about much since his English was sketchy at best and my Russian is nonexistent.
We did have a nice conversation at Easter dinner a few years ago. He was tickled pink that Christian and Orthodox Easter fell on the same weekend as Passover. He didn't feel like an outsider for once.
Let me repeat that: He didn't feel like an outsider for once.
He left Russia with his wife's family to America in the early '90's. They didn't really have a game plan, just a wish to experience Religious Freedom and Capitalism all in one little package: America.
A story we have all heard before, a family's journey to what they pray is a better life.
The family grew and babies were born. Businesses started and money earned.
The American Dream.
So here's to you, you old Russian bear:
I hope you are free of pain and in the bosom of your loving family. They waited a long time to see you again.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday everyone! While this was a short work week for me, it sure seemed to go on forever. TGIF
Tomorrow Lor and I go to the Rosemont Theatre to see Mamma Mia live. We're pretty psyched. We plan to go to dinner first and stay at a neighboring hotel after.
This time I will try my best to actually take pics. We'll see, that would mean I would have to remember the camera AND remember to take pictures. That might just be a little too much for my menopausal brain to handle.
I hope everyone has a good, safe weekend.
Tomorrow Lor and I go to the Rosemont Theatre to see Mamma Mia live. We're pretty psyched. We plan to go to dinner first and stay at a neighboring hotel after.
This time I will try my best to actually take pics. We'll see, that would mean I would have to remember the camera AND remember to take pictures. That might just be a little too much for my menopausal brain to handle.
I hope everyone has a good, safe weekend.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
12 Year Old Boy?
So I did it.
For months I have entertained the idea of cutting my hair. Should I? Shouldn't I?
Maybe just an inch?
Maybe just change the part?
People, I have worn my hair the same way for over 25 years!
25 Years!
It's like I'm MLynn Eateneton (Sally Field) in Steel Magnolias, I was so attatched to the same hair style.
I went in today and took my girl's advice......
And now I'm bald and look like a 12 year old boy (from 1952) in the back.
Pics tomorrow when I find the camera......
Where the hell is the camera?
For months I have entertained the idea of cutting my hair. Should I? Shouldn't I?
Maybe just an inch?
Maybe just change the part?
People, I have worn my hair the same way for over 25 years!
25 Years!
It's like I'm MLynn Eateneton (Sally Field) in Steel Magnolias, I was so attatched to the same hair style.
I went in today and took my girl's advice......
And now I'm bald and look like a 12 year old boy (from 1952) in the back.
Pics tomorrow when I find the camera......
Where the hell is the camera?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I tried to think of something clever to write, but wasn't successful. So I'll just be sincere.
My heart and my prayers go out to the poor victims of this tragedy.
I gave as much as I could just as I gave to the residents of New Orleans.
If you can give, please do so.
And a note to Pat Robertson: Shame On You
My heart and my prayers go out to the poor victims of this tragedy.
I gave as much as I could just as I gave to the residents of New Orleans.
If you can give, please do so.
And a note to Pat Robertson: Shame On You
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Looking for a Condo in Chicago??
Just kidding.
No, not really.
In 2002 Lori graduated from High School and the SgtMaj retired from the Marine Corps. Since she wanted to go to school in Chicago (my hometown), we decided to relocate here to be near family.
Our plan was to live in the "family building" (more on that at a later date) and not buy until we had jobs and had a better idea of where we wanted to live.
The SgtMaj always planned to get a nice government job at NTC Great Lakes and I a position with a university in the area. Since I had experience as both an academic advisor and as a college Registrar, this wasn't too much of a stretch.
I even had this wild fantasy that the kid would get free tuition at a great Catholic University since I worked you hear me DePaul? huh? Loyola? You guys broke my heart.
This was the year after 9/11 and many middle managers that lost their jobs switched over to education...the university position never happened. So much for the Masters in Education with an Emphasis in Adult Learning. Are you listening DePaul, Loyola?
What does this have to do with our condo you might ask (if you have stuck with this post this long).
We finally purchased a condo on the lake near Loyola a few years ago,since it didn't look like the SgtMaj would ever get his government position and he worked in the Loop. I was working for a local hospital in a position that I was grossly overqualified for.
Where are the bloody violins?
So now.....we both have positions in the Great White North and commute a few hours a day.
Oh, the humanity.
And since the market is so bad right now we will probably be living here forever....
So, this winter will be spent trying to get the place show ready. Joy. Did I mention it is in a vintage building and falling down around my ears? Hhmmmmmm?
I am now addicted to HGTV: Designed to Sell and Design on a Dime have become my new favorite shows.
So in the weeks to come I will be posting before and after pictures of this wonderful, vintage art deco building on the lake. Hopefully someone will fall in love with it and want it for their very own. LOL
No, not really.
In 2002 Lori graduated from High School and the SgtMaj retired from the Marine Corps. Since she wanted to go to school in Chicago (my hometown), we decided to relocate here to be near family.
Our plan was to live in the "family building" (more on that at a later date) and not buy until we had jobs and had a better idea of where we wanted to live.
The SgtMaj always planned to get a nice government job at NTC Great Lakes and I a position with a university in the area. Since I had experience as both an academic advisor and as a college Registrar, this wasn't too much of a stretch.
I even had this wild fantasy that the kid would get free tuition at a great Catholic University since I worked you hear me DePaul? huh? Loyola? You guys broke my heart.
This was the year after 9/11 and many middle managers that lost their jobs switched over to education...the university position never happened. So much for the Masters in Education with an Emphasis in Adult Learning. Are you listening DePaul, Loyola?
What does this have to do with our condo you might ask (if you have stuck with this post this long).
We finally purchased a condo on the lake near Loyola a few years ago,since it didn't look like the SgtMaj would ever get his government position and he worked in the Loop. I was working for a local hospital in a position that I was grossly overqualified for.
Where are the bloody violins?
So now.....we both have positions in the Great White North and commute a few hours a day.
Oh, the humanity.
And since the market is so bad right now we will probably be living here forever....
So, this winter will be spent trying to get the place show ready. Joy. Did I mention it is in a vintage building and falling down around my ears? Hhmmmmmm?
I am now addicted to HGTV: Designed to Sell and Design on a Dime have become my new favorite shows.
So in the weeks to come I will be posting before and after pictures of this wonderful, vintage art deco building on the lake. Hopefully someone will fall in love with it and want it for their very own. LOL
Sunday, January 10, 2010

The fact that I couldn't find one good picture of my brother Tony is telling. He is in the front with other family all around.
I haven't continued with my Fable because if I were to go in chronological order Tony would be next.
And this one is tricky....
Let me explain.
I was an only child for six years. I was a daddy's girl and loved it.
My mother didn't work outside of the home (most moms in the '60's did not). I pretty much had her undivided attention.
Then came Tony. Mom and Dad tried for several years to have him, he was planned.
Tony was one miserable baby. And I mean miserable.
He cried all the time. Nonstop.
When he was strong enough to get on his hands and knees he would rock back and forth banging his head on the side of the crib. While crying, of course.
They had no clue what to do with him.
Tony was later diagnosed as "hyperactive" and given large amounts of Ritalin. This caused all kinds of other problems.
He had a lazy eye that required him to wear an eyepatch for several years to strengthen the weak one. He had many other health problems as well but this is a family friendly blog so I won't go into detail.
Growing up, I pretty much just tolerated him. He would go through my things and steal from me. By the time I was in High School I had to sleep with my wallet.
When Tony was in High School, (right before Dad's death), he was in a terrible motorcycle accident. He had a compound fracture of the femur that required surgery and a long recovery.
My parent's idiot doctor overmedicated him. By the way, this is the same doctor that would later kill our father. But I digress.
By the time Tony received the settlement money from the driver of the car that caused the accident, he was addicted to the painkillers.
When the doctor cut him off cold turkey, he graduated to cocaine.
By 1987 when Dad died, he was quite the addict. This only became worse.
Mother fell into a severe depression following Dad's death. (Thanks doctor for handling that poorly as well). Maybe she could have helped him if she wasn't in a haze, who knows.
By the early '90's he had been in and out of rehab a few times.
He was clean, then he wasn't. Sober, then he wasn't.
Eventually, after terrorizing his younger siblings and repeatedly ripping off the family, he was on the streets.
A homeless drug addict.
Over the years we would hear from him, how he had found Jesus. How he had his life together.
And then, he would be back on drugs. Some random hospital would call Mother saying he was being treated for some illness or injury.
He spent several years in jail following a burglary conviction.
Dad's dying broke her heart. Tony's addiction broke it again.
One day she received a phone call from a hospital in Georgia. It seems Tony had been "riding the rails" and when caught, he fell off of the train and it severed his foot. That's right, severed his foot. He was fitted with an artificial foot and went into a rehab facility where he learned to use his new prosthetic, found a wife, found Jesus (again) and was clean and sober.
It didn't last. As years passed he would drop in unexpectedly looking for a place to stay or money. Or both.
Following Mother's death in June, my sister Angie set out to find him. While he hadn't inherited anything, we felt he had a right to know.
She couldn't find him. Later we found out why.
He had been found unconscious on the street of Florida and later died.
In February.
Since he didn't have any identification, the police had to run his fingerprints to find his NOK. They finally found her when the prints matched from his prison time.
I hope that you are finally at peace Tony.
Thank God Mother never knew you died in February.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Gossip, Drama, and Intrigue
Otherwise known as work.
Honestly folks, what's up with people?
Why can't you just show up on time, ready to work?
Why don't we take care of the morning rush before wandering off for coffee, breakfast, Dr's appointments, gossip, etc. etc. etc.
I too, would like to get a mocha and a big water (oh that's right, I got those before sitting at my computer).
And seriously, unless I ask you why you're walking funny, I don't want to hear about your ingrown toenail. The puss, the agony.
No, I don't want to hear about your clubbing, your exciting sex life. I really don't need a detailed blow by blow account. My imagination can fill in the blanks.
And most of all:
I don't feel the need to gossip. If you want to engage in a little complaining, fine. We work close together and it is a bit incestuous. But please don't expect me to get in the mud and get personal. It's not going to happen.
I just want to do my thing, maybe have a few laughs. If I can make the day a little more pleasant for a patient in pain, even better.
But that's it.
Let's recap, shall we?
1. On time
2. Efficient
3. Quiet
4. Stay
5. Leave at your appointed time
That about covers it. Have a good day.
Honestly folks, what's up with people?
Why can't you just show up on time, ready to work?
Why don't we take care of the morning rush before wandering off for coffee, breakfast, Dr's appointments, gossip, etc. etc. etc.
I too, would like to get a mocha and a big water (oh that's right, I got those before sitting at my computer).
And seriously, unless I ask you why you're walking funny, I don't want to hear about your ingrown toenail. The puss, the agony.
No, I don't want to hear about your clubbing, your exciting sex life. I really don't need a detailed blow by blow account. My imagination can fill in the blanks.
And most of all:
I don't feel the need to gossip. If you want to engage in a little complaining, fine. We work close together and it is a bit incestuous. But please don't expect me to get in the mud and get personal. It's not going to happen.
I just want to do my thing, maybe have a few laughs. If I can make the day a little more pleasant for a patient in pain, even better.
But that's it.
Let's recap, shall we?
1. On time
2. Efficient
3. Quiet
4. Stay
5. Leave at your appointed time
That about covers it. Have a good day.
Monday, January 4, 2010
That doesn't sound descriptive enough, does it?
I was a little reluctant to see this in 3D since I have Meniere's Disease and any kind of visual changes messes with it.
I decided to bite the bullet and go anyway.
WOW (Did I say that already?)
Besides being visually stunning. And I mean stunning! It had everything you could ask for:
Sweeping love story reminiscent of Rose and Jack
Battle Scenes (I closed my eyes during these)
Morality Tale
Computer Graphics that are so realistic I forgot they weren't real
Pretty much everything you need.
I want to see it again in IMAX. Now that would be cool!
That doesn't sound descriptive enough, does it?
I was a little reluctant to see this in 3D since I have Meniere's Disease and any kind of visual changes messes with it.
I decided to bite the bullet and go anyway.
WOW (Did I say that already?)
Besides being visually stunning. And I mean stunning! It had everything you could ask for:
Sweeping love story reminiscent of Rose and Jack
Battle Scenes (I closed my eyes during these)
Morality Tale
Computer Graphics that are so realistic I forgot they weren't real
Pretty much everything you need.
I want to see it again in IMAX. Now that would be cool!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy Birthday!

1st: If anyone actually read my rantings of last night, I apologize. There will be no more mention of my Big Fat New Years Crappy Birthday.....until next year, I'm sure.
Random birthday thoughts:
I turned 48 today.
While for most this is only significant in the sense that I am rapidly approaching the half century mark, for me it had deeper meaning.
Our dad died at 47.

I am a lot like him. I favor him physically and in temperment.
I have a strong work ethic and do not suffer fools gladly.
But I also inherited his high blood pressure and stocky Italian build. His impatience and stress. His sarcastic black humor.....
So all year I was in fear that I would follow in his footsteps and die.
Upbeat aren't I?
I am not, however, as sociable as him. Baby Brother Joe got that gene.
Where am I going with this???
I will make an effort to control my blood pressure. I will try my very best this year to meditate on a daily basis and exercise.
I will also lose at least 20 pounds. Man, where did that one come from? I hate to have to go back to Weight Watchers again!
But I will.
I want to be there when Lori has babies. I want to spoil them and cheer them on.
I want to be the cool grandmother that takes them to Disney World and the Field Museum.
The cool grandma that claps at awesome Christmas light displays.
Yeah, that one.
So for all of you: Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions, whatever they may be.
Mine last year was to live to see another year. Check.
Peace and love from The Snarky Table
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