May 2010 be 1000 times better than 2009. Amen.
Thoughts on New Years. Since I was born very early in the morning on New Years this is a complicated holiday for me.
Growing up, my birthday was pretty much an afterthought..."oh choose a present from under the tree Dear for your birthday".
I only remember two birthday parties. My parents were always too broke or too hung over to give it too much thought.
Where are the violins when you need them?
Of course after I grew up, I created my own New Year's and birthday traditions.
(Most of which involved a lot of alcohol).
I have found though that I still at the ripe old age of ahem almost 48, that I STILL have issues with being a New Year's baby.
How sad.
We didn't go anywhere this year for a couple of reasons:
1) I am still recovering from the Swine Flu aka H1N1
2) I no longer will have my birthday linked with the New Year.
Let me explain.
We have had parties. We have gone to parties.
We have gone to concerts...more than I can count.
The commen denominator is that my husband has linked our fabulous New Year's Eve festivities with celebrating my birthday.
Sad, sad, I know. Again, where are the violins? Or the clowns? Or at least frickin' Mick Jagger?
He will brag to all and wide about our very expensive and wonderful plans. And not celebrate my birthday.
I'm sorry, but I am just that selfish enough that I would like just once to have it be "all about me".
Because isn't that what a birthday is all about?
Again, what in the hell has this to do with New Year's?
Nothing. Just me venting.
Soooooo.....May 2010 be WAY better than 2009.
Because honestly, other than Tina Fey immitating Sarah Palin there wasn't a whole lot of positive.
Just saying.
Love You Pooks! Happy New Year!