This pic is of my daughter Lauren holding her cousin Olivia, Angie's daughter.
It was taken at the forest preserve that Mom loved. She played there as a child and returned years later when she sought peace.
On this Saturday following Thanksgiving we were scattering half of her ashes, per her wishes. The other half was placed on Dad's grave. Also, per her wishes.
You see, since Dad was such a popular guy his wake was a very public affair. We had Union Reps, Irish Clowns and Airport Commisioners. Politicians and Gang Bangers. Family and Friends.
It was a zoo.
And very, very upsetting for the widow.
She made me promise that there would be no wake for her.
No funeral.
No casket.
Ashes scattered at the two most meaningful places by her children and grandchildren.
We weren't able to do this in June as she was an organ donor and Angie had to return home to her newborn daughter before her body was released.
I dreaded this day. I'm not comfortable displaying emotions in front of others.
I am The Strong One. The Big Sister. The Mom.
And now, the Matriarch.
But, as we walked through the forest to the bridge that crossed a little stream, it seemed so right, so destined.
Rest in peace, Mom. You'll be missed.
I can't comment but I was here. I read. I feel.