Friday, June 18, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For

Been a while, eh? Crazy days here at the Snarky Table, let me tell you.

I switched departments at work and am now the proud owner of my own cubicle. WOOHOO! I can't tell you how cool it is to have my very own space now. My photos, orchid, air freshener reeds etc. I can keep my gym shoes (does anyone even call them that any more?) under my desk alongside my fashionable flats from Nordstrum Rack. I love you Nordstrom Rack for the designer shoes I can actually afford.

The downside to this is I do miss my girls from my old section. There's not a whole lot of interaction here, everyone is chained to their own little corner of the universe. I'm not complaining, mind you, it's a lot less stressful here than in the assylum....but it does get a bit lonely.

The interesting thing is as much as I craved a less stressful environment, a chance to catch my breath and just be able to think, I find myself wondering what everyone is up to. What's going on in their lives. What's up with the patients.

Be careful what you wish for.

For another story under that title, my daughter started her job with a well known laser center. She was the first from her class to be placed and was really excited about working on the medical side of beauty.

While she is doing better now a few weeks later, it has not been an easy transition. She has found just doing laser treatments to be monotonous and tiring. I guess the whole "high tech" beauty treatments aren't quite what she had expected either.

Again, be careful what you wish for.

We've talked about and she feels better now, but there were a few tense calls and e-mails there. I've reassured her that it's not forever, that once she gets enough experience she can explore more wholistic options at that time.

So as it finally looks like summer has arrived in Chicago. Right now the sky is blue and the temps in the high '80's. Oh and it's humid as hell with thunderstorms on the horizon. Yep, summer in Chi-town.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you are so right when you say be careful what you wish for.........I had it happen that a wish I wished when I was 12 was fulfilled when I was 48 and no longer wanted anything of the sort. Sob.
